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The competition is going to be end on April 16 2012. All SEO experts started heavy competition with the keyword of Digitalmarketingcontest2012. Now its time to check the keyword in google.com who is blog in first. In this people has made our organization have a Digital marketing contest 2012 to create awareness amongst people who are called as digital marketers or online marketers. People are spending more and more time in digital content through their mobile phones, laptops, desktop computers and more. This is the keyword DigitalMarketingContest2012 and everyone is looking out for SEO techniques.

Read more about : http://digital-marketing-contest.blogspot.com/

SEMPO Hyderabad Meetup 2012 - Digital Marketing Event

SEMPO Hyderabad 2012 - Evolution of Digital Marketing and Optimization

SEMPO Hyderabad Meetup is a day long event aimed at bringing together the best minds from the Digital Marketing space to talk about online advertising, including optimization and marketing issues. This event will feature a few technical sessions and a panel discussion, and aims to explore the present state and evolution of Digital Marketing and Optimization.

When & Where?

The event is scheduled on the 19th of April 2012 in Hyderabad, and will be held in Cognizant Hyderabad.

KRIDA Auditorium,
Cognizant Technology Solutions,
4th Floor, Phase 2, DLF Towers,
Gachibowli, Hyderabad,
Andhra Pradesh,

For more details, please contact Venkat Reddy (0 98482 92850)

Who is organizing ths meetup?

This meetup is organized by SEMPO India Chapter.


SEMPO is the largest nonprofit trade organization in the world serving the search and digital marketing industry and marketing professionals engaged in it. SEMPO provides a foundation for industry growth by building stronger relationships, fostering awareness, providing education, promoting the industry. SEMPO also encourages generating research, and creating a better understanding of search and its role in marketing.

SEMPO’s activities are primarily centered on Education and Awareness. To support its educational mission, SEMPO offers an extensive library of resources, research and articles. SEMPO caters to outreach activities such as Webinars and local education/networking events facilitating its education mission. To drive Awareness of the value of search and digital marketing, and how to maximize its potential in a marketing mix, SEMPO funds outreach activities, events, and press. SEMPO’s research studies help to quantify the value of Search Marketing and track the industry trends.

Speakers & Agenda

SEMPO Hyderabad 2012 will feature knowledgeable and awe-inspiring speakers who are thought leaders in their respective industries.In addition the event will also have eminent speakers to address wide variety of topics on digital marketing. The enlightening speechs will include message on: how to improve the effectiveness of your website, advertising opportunities, social search, reputation management and industry trends.

Cost – SEMPO Hyderabad 2012

Free entry for SEMPO.org members.
For non-members, Rs.400 per person. It’s a door donation to meet the expenses towards lunch and logistics.

For more details – visit SEMPO Hyderabad website - http://www.sempo.in/hyderabad2012

Will Google Rank New TLDs Better Than .com Domains?

Google’s head of web spam, Matt Cutts, took to Google+ to bust yet another myth (there’s been a lot of Matt Cutts myth busting lately, it seems).

He points to an article from Adrian Kinderis, CEO of ARI Registry Services (described as “a top-level domain specialist”), which claims that the new top-level domains will “trump .com in Google search results”. Kinderis writes:

Will a new TLD web address automatically be favoured by Google over a .com equivalent? Quite simply, yes it will. I’ve been researching this topic since development of the new TLD program first began (around 6 years ago) and have closely followed the opinions of the many search industry experts who have taken a great deal of interest in the introduction of these new domains and the impact they will have.

The more I research, the more I have no doubt that a new TLD address will trump its .com equivalent.

Followers of Cutts may have some doubt. Here’s what he said about it on Google+:

Sorry, but that’s just not true, and as an engineer in the search quality team at Google, I feel the need to debunk this misconception. Google has a lot of experience in returning relevant web pages, regardless of the top-level domain (TLD). Google will attempt to rank new TLDs appropriately, but I don’t expect a new TLD to get any kind of initial preference over .com, and I wouldn’t bet on that happening in the long-term either. If you want to register an entirely new TLD for other reasons, that’s your choice, but you shouldn’t register a TLD in the mistaken belief that you’ll get some sort of boost in search engine rankings.

In the comments on Matt’s post, one reader suggested that Google doesn’t rank good content, but ranks popular content. Matt responded to that, pointing to a post we did on a video where he discussed porn sites and PageRank.


Google Launches GetMo Mobile Optimization Initiative in UK

Google has unveiled a campaign which will aim to help UK businesses optimize their sites for use with mobile devices.

The company said that the GetMo initiative aims to provide webmasters and developers with tools for optimizing sites to run on mobile browsers. Based on Google's HowToGoMo U.S. effort, GetMo offers testing materials, developer guides and case studies designed to help businesses optimise their sites for mobile handsets.

The initiative will also aim to help businesses locate and team up with third-party developers who specialize in building mobile sites.

The company said that the campaign is being launched in what has become a booming market for smartphone handsets in the UK. Google noted that mobile searches have grown by 400 percent over the last two years, with 84 percent of UK users claiming to have looked up local information on their phones.

Meanwhile, businesses have been unable to keep up with the demand and offer sites properly suited for mobile browsers, according to Google.

"As the smartphone explosion continues, more consumers are looking to engage with brands by searching for them on their mobile phone," said Ian Carrington, Google's head of European mobile advertising. "Yet the majority of businesses don't have mobile sites or a mobile strategy for connecting with them."

The launch of the GetMo campaign also comes as Google looks to boost its own share of the mobile browser market in the UK. Recent analyst reports have shown that Google's Android platform has been increasing its market share in both the handset and tablet fields.



Digital Marketing is the new era in the world of marketing in 2012. The world is going digital, be it online, mobile or laptops and businesses are making all the efforts to reach people through one of these mediums to become successful.

This has made our organization have a Digital marketing contest 2012 to create awareness amongst people who are called as digital marketers or online marketers. This contest has not only created buzz but also we can know about other forms of digital marketing apart from marketing online. Read more

Tools to Help SEOs With ADD Get Work Done

Almost five years ago, a client "diagnosed me" as having Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. She knew I had ADD because she did too. I laughed, and then did some self-evaluation…I think she was onto something.

I still haven’t been into the doctor to be formally diagnosed, but – all these years later – I’m convinced that there’s some truth to this (the people I work with - and my wife - would agree). And, based upon the many SEOs that I’ve talked to about this subject matter, I would say that the vast majority of SEOs believe they, too, “suffer” from ADD.

If you’re not too sure, or if you’re not familiar with some of the symptoms of Adult ADD, check out these symptoms, from Helpguide:

Trouble concentrating/staying focused – easily distracted; trouble completing tasks.
Hyperfocus – When you ARE into a subject, you are really into it; you lose track of time.
Disorganized / forgetful.
Impulsive – Have addictive tendencies (know any SEOs who smoke?).
Emotional difficulties – don’t deal well with frustrations.
Hyperactivity / restlessness – “racing” thoughts.

Why SEOs Have Symptoms of ADD

Today’s SEO is being asked to do a lot. To me, it’s no wonder that there’s some ADD.

A good SEO nowadays is:

Technically proficient.
A sound copywriter.
An analytics expert.
A usability consultant.
A PR genius.
A social networker who is strategic in their approach yet can mind the details to execute and actually “do some work”.

Chances are, you’re not going to find all of these attributes (at least not to the degree that you might want them) within one person. And, even if you do happen to find someone who has all of these qualities, they could – quite possibly – have ADD. Knowing that, understand that the qualities that make them “good SEOs” (inquisitive minds) can also lead to these folks drifting, following the trail, only to forget what they’re trying to accomplish.
SEO Tools to Get Organized & Get Work Done

When I originally wrote about this, there weren't many (any?) solid enterprise-level SEO management platforms on the market. My original self-evaluation taught me that SEO needs to be managed properly to ensure that good ideas and thoughts are put into actionable recommendations and completed by deadlines:

Is your company serious about process improvement and project management?
Do you formally document your entire process and implement this into robust project management software?

Today, there are many tools available to help folks organize their SEO work, so that ideas result in action items which (hopefully) result in results. I won’t go so far as to endorse any particular company, but here are a few that have been on my radar:

Conductor Searchlight

Other tools might fall into this category (and if so, feel free to add them to the comments, below), but these are just a few that might be worth your consideration.

The idea here is that there are tools available now that didn’t exist before. This goes to show just how far search engine optimization has come.

SEO tools help us to be accountable to our clients/companies and earn SEO marketing dollars, where we may have struggled justifying the expenses, previously, for lack of transparency in what we do, lack of understanding as to what the value proposition is currently, or what the opportunity value could be.

What you’ll find in many of these tools is an integration of analytics, and an associated “cost per click” value (that is to say, “if you bought this organic traffic via AdWords, it would have cost you X” or “the potential value of traffic, if you earn positioning for this keyword is X”). While the CXOs may never really understand SEO, they will always understand “value” and “potential value”.

When you can break that down into further transparency, the purse strings should open up. When SEO is no longer a black box, but rather something that can be digested and understood, people will spend money.


Google Webmaster Tools Finally Adds User Administration

One of the most sought after features in Google Webmaster Tools was to easily give third-party people access to your Google Webmaster Tools account without giving over your own username and password and without giving them full control of your site.

Google has finally satisfied this request by adding user administration to Google Webmaster Tools.

Now, site owners, who are defined as an owner if they go through the verification process in Google Webmaster Tools, can add access for others without making them go through the verification process. The access granted is either “owner,” “full” or “restricted” access.

Owner Access – Anyone who has verified the site in Webmaster Tools. This enabled them to add users via the user administration, delete sites, and more super controls.
Full Access – Granting a user “Full” permission means that they will be able to view all data and take most actions, such as changing site settings or demoting sitelinks.
Restricted Access – When a user’s permission is set to “Restricted” they will only have access to view most data, and can take some actions such as using Fetch as Googlebot and configuring message forwarding for their account.

You can add users either on the overview page where it says “manage site” and then by clicking on “Add or remove users” or under the “site configuration” section where it says “user administration.”


Google's Encrypted Search more securely 2012

Encrypted search is expanding internationally for signed in Google users, Google announced yesterday. That means you can expect to find less search query data thanks to the default secure socket layer (SSL) Google has enabled on searches.

Google will introduce SSL encryption on Google’s local domains over the “next few weeks.” At launch in October, Google encrypted search only affected google.com. Now that will expand to other localized Google domains (e.g., www.google.com.au, www.google.co.in/, www.google.co.uk), though Google’s brief announcement lacked any timeline specifics.

While Google touts the increased privacy and security of encrypting search queries and search results pages via HTTPs by default, it must be noted that Google’s advertisers still can gain access to search term referrer data. Encrypted search is available on Google’s local domains, but it’s not enabled by default.

Encrypted search paved the way for the launch of Google’s Search Plus Your World, as Google aimed to protect the privacy of users in preparation of an increased emphasis on personalized search results. One month prior to the debut of encrypted search, researchers showed how attackers could gain access to the search history and contact information of Google users using the Firesheep extension.

The arrival of secure search also brought “not provided” keyword traffic data in Google Analytics into the spotlight. While initially encrypted search was supposed to only affect searches in the “single-digit percentages”, some sites that rely more on organic traffic from Google have seen upwards of 20 percent of keywords reported in Google Analytics as "(not provided)".

Several Search Engine Watch columns have addressed what search marketers can do with less available search data. Below are links to a few offering advice for the post-SSL world.

sources: http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2157519/Google-Encrypted-Search-Going-Global

Google Analytics Certified Professional in India | GAIQ Exam 2012

Successfully completed the Google analytics Individual Qualification Exam. Here is the screenshot Jan 2012 .

Srinivasan SEO_Google Analytics Exam Certified