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On Page SEO Factors

On page SEO factors are important because the search engines rank pages and not web sites. Of course, a web site should be optimised as much as possible throughout all its pages, but each page will be judged on its own merits to a very large degree. Optimising for page SEO factors is the easiest part of overall SEO. It’s the off page factors, getting quality backlinks to the page, that poses the most difficult problem.

If it is the home, or main, page of a web site that you wish to optimise the most, one of the best things you can do to give it a serious boost with the search engines is register a domain that is the exact keyword that the page is optimised for. Having the .com is best, but a .org or .net is pretty much as good too. This can only work for one page on a web site of course, but it is a powerful technique to use.

The first thing you should do for general on page SEO is make the document title in the underlying HTML code the same as the page keyword. You can have additional words in the document title if you wish, but try to place the keyword phrase near the beginning, and keep it fairly short overall.

Your meta tag description is used by many of the search engines in their listings, so use this feature wisely. Use your main keyword in the description near the beginning, and make the description interesting, informative, short and to the point. When a person searching for something come across a listing that has the exact keyword they typed into the search engine in the title, the listing description and in the domain name, they are more likely to click on it that all the others. The search engines will also consider such a page as being highly relevant, and they will rank it accordingly.

The visible part of the page can also be optimised. The page SEO factors that are important here are the main page title and the use of the main keyword in the body of the text, as well as the use of synonyms and related keywords throughout the text. Use an H1 tag to place the page title in. The title should start with the main keyword if possible and can have additional words too.

The body of the text should have the main keyword phrase near the beginning and should then have it included several times more, but not too much. The density of the main keyword phrase should be around 1% to 2% or so. It can be a little higher, but keep it readable. On page SEO factors only need to be there – not overdone.

Top 4 Basic SEO Factors for Website and Blog

Page Load Time and Page Speed emerging as a quality factor : We’ve already seen heated discussions on it and its getting lot of focus these days. It makes sense to me that Google might consider page load times and page speed as a decisive factor in page quality for a site. it may not be a direct influential factor but like a one in hundred factors that decides the quality of a page. I mean, if a page is slick and fast loading it makes lives easier for both bots and users right ? So if there are two sites, one with slower load time and one with quicker load time, then it makes sense that Google might treat the first one as more friendly.

Not saying that sites slower to load will be neglected, but they will sure miss an opportunity. Also, this doesn’t mean that sites on shared hosting servers will take a blow – no. Google probably is thinking of making it fair to al, but the crux will be that faster loading sites, since they have taken the pain in making it an easier user experience, will be merited overall. Let’s wait and watch.

Intra document/web page anchor placement : This is a new concept I’ve learned from Bill Slawski. He talks about a patent being filed that states that search engines (Google) might consider matching search queries with phrases/keywords inside the document/webpage and directly take you to the part on the webpage where the phrase/keyword is present, rather than the webpage itself. This will be a time saving exercise but again, this also might take webmasters aback, as we were not prepared for this.

Social Media Influence on SERPs : Is it there yet ? I don’t think so. What can be done ? I’m not sure yet. But social media influence on SERPs is definitely going to be more important in the coming years, and search engines have to find out methods to clear off noise from signal and device ways to feature socially popular stories/websites within SERPs in a fair way possible. This is something really tricky because there are websites that have not embraced social media yet, so it won’t be fair to avoid them from the SERPs just because of that particular reason. But Social Media sure is an influencing factor, and you got to figure out how to decipher it.

Dynamic content getting more meaningful and SEO friendly : Dynamic content was like quicksand for SEOs because of its complexities and limitations in optimizing. But its high time we recognize that we got to live with it. Not everyone wat to go “textual”and minimalistic, so search engines have to figure out what they can do to decipher dynamic content and make it search engine friendly. Parameter Filter Handling was a good initiative but we need more. article from www.dailyseoblog.com

Tips To Drive Traffic To Your Blog or Website

If you started a blog and you want to make some future, you need to concentrate on your traffic in the start, rather than getting your friends to click on the ads. But how to make people come to your website, read it and come again. Analyzing and detailing it will take almost a year. Here by you got the some helpful tips, posting some quick tips for the new blogger.

Content : You post even just one post a day,it should have content which has quality.Its better to have single good post than 10 bad ones.viewers always appreciate the pages with good
content.You should make your best effort in getting them back to your site again.Make your posts conversational, pithy and topical. Keep them short and stick to one topic per post.Write often and regularly so that both readers and search engines visit your blog more often.

Search Engines : one of the best sources of traffic if you make your site well organised.Come up with nice keywording and you will get good page ranking .The more is your page rank the more the ad provide want to pay to you.Make sure your blog URL has got very good keyword in its title.Use submission sites to submit your URL in all the search engines like google,yahoo..Dont forget to submit your feed in RSS directories.There are sites which has submission directory links in bulk.Go there and submit your feed URL. use feed stats to attract users like the feedburner chicklet i have in my subscribe box.

Signature : post your blog address in the signature in your email making the users know your presence in the web.Go to each and every place where you find a lot of surfers like forums,social networks,community discussion and write your link over there.Write your link in the comments of the most famous blogs.But remember that Google dont count this as a linkback to your site.

Email subscription : Dont forget to give a link of subscribe to updates through email on your blog.
Social bookmarking: Add a link of submit my site to digg, redditt, blinklist, buzz it and ....at the end of each article your write like i have on my blog. Submit your articles to these sites to get best traffic.

Backlinking : Try to contact authors of good blogs and request them for backlinks.It should nt look to them that you are begging,Write a letter like this"I have something interesting for you on my webpage.If you find my site or blog interesting,give me a link o my site on your webpage"

3 Effective Ways to block Google Crawling

Let’s see how we can make Google stay out of crawling selected portions/parts of a website, effectively that is.

Lock and Key Method: The most effective and sure shot method is to use a lock and key mechanism. That is to leave those pages you don’t want Google access, locked behind. Recommended method is to use a username/password login gateway to those pages/part of the website, that you don’t want Google to crawl.

The Nofollow Meta Header tags : The next best thing to Lock and Key method is to use the versatile meta header tags. Pick up those pages that you don’t want Google to crawl, and add the meta=nofollow tag to their headers. Technically this makes Google “skip” indexing the contents of the page. However, this method will be rendered in effective if external websites link extensively to the URL and Google might just “see” the page somehow, while not indexing it still. Also, when you have a large number of pages to be screened out of Google, then adding the header tags can lead to complications.

Blocking the links with NoFollow tags : The third and easiest way to block Google from crawling certain pages/URL is to use the “NoFollow” tags on the links that point to that particular URL. Using Nofollow tags will tell Google that its bots needn’t crawl the contents of a page, as the content may not be useful. Even though this sounds technically okay, sometimes Google can “see through” the nofollow tags.

In my opinion adding Nofollow tags to links are like blocking entry to a room with a Glass wall. Google bots won’t enter the room, or index the contents there, but can very well see through the glass wall and will have an idea about what’s in there. So there you have it. Three effective (and ineffective) ways to block Google from crawling part/sections of your website. Each one works out well according to the condtions and crcumstances, and sometimes even you have to work out all the three based on nature of the pages you’re dealing with. article from www.dailyseoblog.com